FACS - France Alu Color Sas
FACS stands for France Alu Color Sas
Here you will find, what does FACS stand for in Manufacturing under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate France Alu Color Sas? France Alu Color Sas can be abbreviated as FACS What does FACS stand for? FACS stands for France Alu Color Sas. What does France Alu Color Sas mean?The France based company is located in Marcilloles, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes engaged in industrial automation industry.
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Alternative definitions of FACS
- Formal Aspects Of Computing Science
- Formal Aspects Of Corba Systems
- Financial Accounting Control Systems
- Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter
- Family And Consumer Sciences
- Facial Action Coding System
- Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
- Family And Consumer Science
View 44 other definitions of FACS on the main acronym page
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- FUFS Filler Up Financial Services
- FFSR Flying Fish Seafood Restaurant
- FEL Falcon Electrical Limited
- FBD File By Design
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